Player.addspell ( 0007e8e1 for Raise Zombie : 'player.addspell 0007e8e1') Player.addperk ( 000581e7 for Augmented Flames level 1 'player.addperk 000581e7') Tdetect - Toggles AI Detection on and off. Tfc - Toggle Fly Cam (Separates Camera from the player's body. Tmm x - Toggle Map Markers (Replace 'x' with 1 for on, 0 for off.)
(No-clip mode, look upwards and walk forward to 'fly.') Does not make you immune to diseases like Sanguinare Vampiris.) (Invincible, No Encumbrance Penalty, Unlimited Health, Magicka, Stamina, and Arrows. Showracemenu - Bring up character customization menu (NOTE: Your health Magicka, Stamina, and Health levels will be spread evenly on using this depending on your character's level.) It's located before the '1' key on most English-letter keyboards.įov x: Adjust field of view (ie: 'fov 90') Open the console by hitting the tilde key (~).